At some stage in every families life there comes a time when you have too much collective clutter whether it be in your home or garage. When this happens renting a self storage salford unit is a great way to give you that little extra space you require. It may seem an easy thing to just dump your items into a storage unit however we have listed below some extra step that we recommend to our storage Salford customers.
1. Label everything - No matter how organised you think you are if you don't label boxes up when you need to eventually get to your items you will not know which box they are in. This will simply cause a headache!
2. Use shrink wrap - Covering all of your boxes in shrink wrap keeps everything compact and stops any overflowing boxes which you may pack on top of each other from splitting.
3. Plan for weather changes - Storing electronic items in the summer months is fine however if they are not protected then come the cold winter months you may encounter some issues.